Living A Succulent Life

Succulent Wild Cat

My cat Jupiter lived for 17 years as my "fur husband" and when he departed physically, he became one of my primary spirit guides and an oracle on my website, Planet SARK. When Jupiter was a young...

You are Loved

Your life wants you to show up with LOTS OF LOVE for yourself, your life and your creative dreams. If you're someone who wants to help the world, this is the best gift you could possibly give it. Do...

Love Beams

Ungratefull, Unwilling, Unglad Dear Utterly Human BEing, It can sometimes feel so annoying to be told or feel obligated to "be gratefull." Of course we all know that we would like to feel gratefull...

You’ve Won!

You’ve all won beautiful blessings from the universe! Yes, you already have exactly what you need. You can create and do and manifest everything your heart desires and more.  You’re a winner indeed,...

Creating Miracles

Asking for, and receiving miracles in our lives takes some happy practice.  Practice by sharing here and with others what miracles you would like to manifest in your life.  When we create together...