“Remember to delight yourself first, then others can be truly delighted.”
This was my mantra when I published my first book in 1990, and still holds true. When we focus on the song of our soul and heart, then others will be touched similarly. Sometimes people wonder or worry whether people will like or approve of their creative expression. It’s none of your business. It’s your business to stay present and focused for the work of your deepest dreams. It might look crooked or strange, or be very odd-but if it delights you, then it is yours, and will find it’s way into other hearts.
And if you’d like some incredible online support for your writing creations, I’m so glad to let you know about my new eprogram called Juicy Journaling with SARK: A Nourishing Adventure to Start Your Day off WRITE. https://www.planetsark.com/JuicyJournaling.htm
I am so excited – hoping to be able to sign up for Juicy Journaling this week! I have put my foot down and I am finally committing to delighting myself first! š
This post really spoke to me Susan. I am most definitely my own best friend, and some days I fear my only friend. I do have other friends, but quite honestly the ones who know me best I’ve never even met in real life.
Either way, I feel I’m of no value to anybody else unless I am happy with and taking good care of myself. It really effects the energy a person gives off I think!
I would like to thank you for your kindness with the Juicy Journaling program. It is just what I need and I’m so happy I stumbled across your work when I did! You inspire me daily and I’m grateful for that!
I need this reminder again Today!
Thanks…in every way.
Be well.
Do good.
All ways.
All days.
Stay true.
For some reason, the book at the upper right hand corner caught my eye. I would like to know what book it is, if its at all possible for you to find a chance to reply.
This is my first time writing on your website so I did also want to thank you, for the ability to unlock my heart each time. I am very happy to read your blog posts and looking to commit to the Juicy Journaling offering. THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE.
By the way, in case its not clear, this comment is in response to your Dancing with Difficulties audio post. Thanks, much love, Monisha
I’ve been a fan since I worked at a bookstore in Glendale, Az in ’78-’79. Reconnected every time I found one of your books or your newer books when I worked in a bookstore in the 90’s. I cannot thank you enough for the encouragement you have provided so many through the years. Your vibrant energy spreads through every dogma religion and spiritual journey around the world. I am continually finding myself on the short end of believing in who I am and what God sees in me. Letting others tell me who I am when they cannot accept me as I am has been a lifelong dilema for me. Through open-minded people like you, I continue to have an positive outlook about today. Trials in our lives can bring us to the point of no return, but the light of hope can keep us looking forward with the power of believing in today and tomorrow. Thank you for sharing your life with others. May you continue to be blessed for your continued optimism and joy. We, your fans, will continue to believe in the power of one to bring a smile and dry a tear. God Bless
You are indeed an enlightened woman ~ Do so enjoy your work ~ Happy Holidays ` Carol
Such a delightful comment from little Jonah…a wise and generous soul! I remember coming upon my girls meditating at times when they were small…and the remarkable things they would say. My favorite story was my older daughter (probably 6 or so) explaining to her little sister (that puts her around 3), about how life here on earth is like a play. God puts different clothes on our souls so we can be a certain person and then when we are done being that person God changes our clothes so we can be someone else. She was expressing her 6 year old view on reincarnation from her car seat to her toddler sister! I never told her these things…it was her understanding of the journey of a soul…kids are amazing!
SARK, I love how you received your pen name. Your web site is so inspiring, thank you. I received the book you have written, Juicy Pens Thirsty Paper for Christmas this year from my son and daughter-in-law. I needed a boost to get back into writing and this is it. I am having so much fun thinking of new ideas or using the old ideas I have that have been just sitting there ready to awaken. Thank you and I send my love back to you.
Peace, Love Karen
I appreciate your insight on the self-care topic. So many drown themselves in the affairs of others, forgetting to seek refuge and spirit connection. It always ends up the same way….burn out city! Well, thanks for the post. I just found you, so I’ll be back.