Many years ago when I was publicizing my book about writing, Juicy Pens, Thirsty Paper, I whimsically decided to take a 5 foot tall purple crayon along on the book tour across the country.
This meant that on every flight and car ride and hotel stay, I carried this giant purple crayon with me. The logistics were hilarious.
It also turned out to be a MAGICAL way to connect with people. All sorts of funny and serendipitous conversations sprung up along the way- about life, about writing, about love, about creating.
There were a number of spontaneous book blessings with writers working on their books. And pregnant women asked me to touch their bellies with the tip of the pen. Everyone wanted to talk to me, and did!
I love creating magic and miracles and fun creative ways to do things, and I love showing people more ways to do that too!
For even more color, miracles and creativity, subscribe to my Magic Blog below.
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Here’s to all of our purple power and creative adventures in this world!