A few months after my former fiancé John died, I replaced the blinds in our bedroom, and the installer helped me take the old blinds to the recycling bin.
As we did this work together, I said,
“Thank you for helping me do this. My fiancé John would have helped, but he changed his residence to heaven.”
(I was experimenting with different ways to say that he had died.)
And this man practically shouted,
“You mean he DIED?”
And I replied that he had, and then he exclaimed,
“How long ago?”
I told him it had been a few months. He then said,
“How can you be this good, after that happened?”
I explained that I lived in so much love, and was filled up with so much love, that even this huge loss couldn’t take that love away. I also shared that I had been helplessly sobbing on the floor before he arrived- that I had felt, and feel both horribly sad and incredibly glad, and everywhere in between. I explained that this is what I do with losses.
He then said,
“Well not me! I’m not married, I don’t have kids or even pets, I’m not going to risk losing love and getting my heart broken. Nope, no big-or little- losses for me!”
I told him I understood, and then gently asked if that didn’t mean he was living in loss every day?
He just stopped and stared at me for the longest time and then said,
“Well, I never thought of it that way. I think you’ve opened my heart right here by this recycling bin. It’s a miracle.”
He asked if I was writing a book about this and I said that I was:
Living (Mostly) Wonderfull: The Surprising Gifts of Terrible Things.
Now I’m inviting you to attend a brand new depthfull retreat I’m teaching called:
The Surprising Gifts of Terrible Things
*gift locating is optional
Alchemizing Losses of All Kinds and Letting more Love IN
Get all the details and SIGN UP HERE. I’ll see you there.
I had a conversation with my dear friend Elissa after this miracle encounter, and she offered this:
“When you try to protect yourself from loss by not loving, or by loving less, you are subject to a feeling of continuous loss.
If you choose love, and eventually lose it, the pain of the loss is temporary. You can practice loving through all the losses, over and over.”
During the retreat you will learn new ways to let more love IN because of the losses, and how to fill yourself UP with the capacity to alchemize both the wonderfull and terrible things that happen.
(Note: this is not achieved by positive thinking- rather by feeling and loving your way through.)
You will experience significant new ways to practice alchemizing loss and change and receive immediate benefit as you move forward in your life.
I send us all the willingness to keep feeling and alchemizing our losses and letting more love in.
Let me know how loss is moving in your life and how I can support you in loving your way through.
p.s. Come if you feel sad, depleted, anxious, hopefull, joyfull, inspired or eager to create the NEW. This is an uncommon retreat, created as a result of my “deeply grieving and wildly living” both- like bird wings. You will be nourished, uplifted and shown new ways to love yourself with ALL the feelings in your emotional family and the people in your life (and this will of course spill out into the world), and in addition to all of that, you will likely have fun;-)
There is also an optional time for an hour after the retreat to be in small serendipitous groups. Sign up HERE.