In The Healing Times

As I complete my 7 weeks of being weightless (aka non weight bearing) after a broken ankle, I’m reflecting on the nature of healing, which is not linear like a ladder- it is spiral like a coil. 

Healing happens in spirals and layers, and within the layers lives the love

Here I am with my wonderfull acupuncturist Paola, who is helping to bring oxygen to the area, and love to my heart. 

I’m also thinking of a new word that I created: 


I believe it is through the acceptance of it ALL, is the healing. And I don’t believe that including and accepting it all means loving, or even liking it all- it means being willing to see and be with it all. 

I’m often resisting the all, saying or thinking things like, “not THAT!” 

Certainly not that??” Or even, “NO WAY!” 

And the universe calmly nods her head and shows me more of whatever that is. 

As I move soon to partial and then full weight bearing on my ankle, I’m so incredibly gratefull for all the healing that has occurred. I’ve learned (again) that healing takes the time that it needs to take, and that my resistance only slows- or makes more difficult- that process. 

What wisdom have you gathered in the healing times in your life? I’d love to know. 

Here’s to us all, in all of our infinite varieties of healing~ 

 And here are my words and art about healing, may they swirl all around you, and enfold you with love. 

Here’s to us all in our healing times, in all-ways, allsomely. 





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  1. Linda

    I’m So glad for your healing and so grateful for all the ways you help heal the world! Xoxoxo

  2. Jill

    ♈️Frolic in an Violet ocean with mer people , dolphins and whales … while healing. Blessings

  3. Linda jay

    Continued excellent care and healing to you, sark! My healing from making a disastrous choice of second husband seems to be progressing
    I got s strong intuition this week that I will soon meet my new darling! It is going to happen. Tears of joy.

  4. Faith

    Thank you for always bringing light and contemplation to our life situations. 7 years ago this body had stage one breast cancer; As life often does, without our knowing at the time, it prepares us for what is to come. The summer prior to diagnosis, the left knee had been injured to a point of limping. So, walking became learning to put one foot in front of the other focused and gently. Learning to stay in just that one step OR the knee pain would be severe. So, it was spending summer moving very slowly with the mental mantra,’one step, one step.’ In September the breast cancer diagnosis came which included one and half years of treatment. And the mantra, ‘one step, one step’ took on a new significance. It was this action of staying simply present in the moment, present in the step…accepting life just as it was, that carried me along through the healing. Learning patience and acceptance of life in the exact form that it was presenting itself …and still feeling gratitude. It opened up a whole new dimension of joy and love and “sparkly fizziness” in life. Hee hee! A dimension that I had long forgotten existed— SO, even to this day, even with being cancer-free and healthy…I still use the mantra of ‘one step. keep moving forward. one step. this here.flow.’ Life is the best it has been in decades! xoxoxo

  5. Polly Dozier

    Dear SARK, That last email got away from me, and so in case, you don’t see it, I’m going to repeat what I wrote:
    You are wondrous! You are so delightful and filled with messages of Light, Love, and Hope for everyone! Thank you for being here. Thank you for being you! I love the way you use color! It feeds the soul. Your blog today is the first one I’ve read, and interestingly, I am just days away for having my knee replaced and navigating my way through the gates of perfect healing. And so your sharing was especially meaning fun for me. I love the photo too! I’m asking Archangel Raphael and his healing angels to fill your room and support your perfect healing. They are probably already there! Fathomless billows of love to you! Polly???????????????

  6. Janeas Munden

    Rain day 3 of my weightlessness via a broken ankle! In complete joy at the many lessons universe is bringing to me through this. What I thought of initially as a “misstep” has turned out to be just one more perfect lesson… in releasing control, in receiving help with peace and gratitude, in being still and observing those around me (deepening my connection to earth, and those that I share my life with). Forever grateful.

  7. Cheryl Reum

    Pleased your journey to wellness is almost there

  8. Nicole

    To funny I just recently came to know of you. I saw a workshop you were being apart of called Creativity as a Spiritual Practice series… which I did not really get a chance to listen to, but from this workshop I looked you up, and found a video, watched it and even shared it. Then I am visiting my sister in Grimsby Ontario we are out for our morning walk with our dogs and pass by a sharing library in front of someones home. I decide to stop and check it out and what on earth do you think I find …. oh come on you have got to be kidding me Your book succulent wild women 😉


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