Loving Yourself First Is The Whole Point

SWR Susan FrameI’ve been using the description Inner Love to represent Self-Love and your relationship with your Inner Wise Self, and Outer Love to represent our relationships with others. It is so much easier to navigate relationships with clear meanings and simple concepts. That’s why I’m using Inner Love and Outer Love.

Inner Love is absolutely the foundation necessary for successfull Outer Love Relationships. When you combine the powerfull Three I concepts – Inner Feelings Care System, Inner Critic Care System, and Inner Wise Self Activated and Empowered – you have the awareness necessary to distinguish what’s happening Inside from what’s happening Outside.


* You can use the Inner Feelings Care System to be aware of how you feel, and then tend to those feelings by expressing them effectively. This results in having more positive feelings more often.

*The Inner Critic Care System helps you be aware of critical inner dialogue and transforms these critics by allowing them to express. This results in you feeling good about yourself most of the time.

*Your Inner Wise Self Activated and Empowered is having a connection with the part of you that’s unconditionally loving and wise. This results in you having a giant ally or mentor at your side who will guide you in transforming your life in every way.

On that foundation, you can acknowledge your Inner Feelings and allow yourself – and your partner – to each be your own separate, self-loving person.

And that’s the first piece of having what it takes to build a Succulent Wild Relationship.

You can learn the principles and tools to have the Inner Love and the Outer Love that you truly desire in the new program John and I are teaching together – Succulent Wild Relationships.

Go HERE to find out more…



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