Sometimes we just need to run away.
During the thick thickets of creating our new book on a completion schedule (I’ve opted out of the word deadline- it sounds oppressive;-) John & I realized that we were in danger of imploding.
It didn’t appear that we had any time to just take off and run away, and then it became clear that we didn’t have time NOT to.
I was up very early, and began searching for somewhere for us to run away to for the day.
My criteria were pretty simple:
Good food, good environment, good mood. Somewhere new where neither of us had been.
Somewhere where people would take good care of us.
I found a resort about an hour away and reserved a table for lunch.
He asked for the name for the reservation and I said,
“Wonderfull.” To which he calmly replied, “With one L or two?”
When I said two, he said, “You are definitely coming to the right place.”
As we drove through vineyards and rolling hills (why are they always rolling?) we drove into an estate out of time. It felt like a kind of Brigadoon- an imaginary land that might disappear in and out of the mist. There was a hobbit like glen of green & pine trees and a croquet lawn in the distance.
We sat on their white porch and ordered food that arrived festooned with edible purple flowers and a server who wore a tiny silver angel wing in each ear.
While John was in the restroom, I commented on her earrings and asked if she appreciated angels, and she said enthusiastically,
“Oh yes! And did you know that your husband is an angel?” I replied that I did, and asked her how she knew.
“Oh there was some jagged energy on the porch and as soon as he arrived, everybody calmed down. You can see his angelic energy immediately.” I agreed.
John returned and we sat blissfully on the porch, sharing an imaginative chocolate desert and then wandered off to see what other miracles might develop.
We found ourselves on a steep yet friendly hiking trail, and just started walking and visioning and appreciating the land.
Later we curled up on some down couches in the resort lodge and shared some lemonade & cookies.
We drove away from the estate, feeling utterly refreshed and restored-from running away.
Running away could also be running toward. Hmmmm.
I’ll ponder that.
What kinds of things do you do to refresh yourself?
Your friend,
SARK (aka Susan)
p.s. If you feel like running away without leaving home, we’re offering a virtual reTREAT for writers and creators for the whole weekend of June 26-28. You can see your invitation here and pop UP your creativity and sense of fun. All levels of writing & creating welcome.