The Power Of The Afterlife

This is John, my beloved former fiancé who died in my arms in March 2016.

It was one of the most horrifying and gorgeous experiences of my life, and I’ve written a lot about it previously in my Magic Blog, including about many of his amazing activities in the afterlife.

You might wonder why I also describe the experience as gorgeous- it is because of the incredible love I felt and feel as a result of knowing him, and everything I’ve learned and am learning, since. 

I now understand that there is no “death” in the conventional understanding, and that there is tremendous under, or unutilized power available to us from the afterlife- especially in this current time.

With respect to everyone reading and all the different belief systems, I want to share more now about what I believe and have experienced about the power of the 

afterlife and to share John’s gift with you. 

I started connecting with beings in the afterlife in my childhood- actually I connected with beings from all sorts of dimensions, including those in the future. 

I have all sorts of memories of the future. 

When I was young, I saw Native Americans cooking in the corner in my bedroom at night. When I told my parents, they told me I was over imaginative. So I learned not to talk about it- with them.

Before John left, he told me he was eager to mentor people from beyond the physical realm and that all they had to do was ask. He was so excited that he could be all over the universe in an infinite number of places at once. He has asked me to remind you that you can ask him.

If you’re drawn to this idea, you can ask him as simply as this: 

“John, could you help?” 

You might picture his face or just his energy. You don’t need to “know him” to be able to do this. I often ask for him to connect before I go to sleep, and he appears in my dream and responds.

I ask him often and he has: fixed things, found things, reassured me, helped me to create new things- I have profound experiences with this all of the time. One of the most profound of all was that John told me that my life partner was arriving in May. I met my beloved David on May 21 2018, and we’ve been joyfully loving and living together ever since. 

And of course it’s not only John, anyone in the afterlife can be called on for help or insight. I know for example that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is very active right now. 

You might already be doing this and accessing this power with people in your life who have departed physically.

I asked John recently if he knew who would win the upcoming United States election, and he said that the outcome is being powerfully developed by all of us, and that loving is the whole point.

He had given me his wisdom about this prior to the last election in 2016 after he departed and has been helping to guide me in communicating about it since.

So vote for love with your whole heart and keep doing that no matter who “wins.

We have mighty missions now, and every soul is needed, including the ones we don’t agree with. Practicing unconditional love- no matter what- is the key- which is often the hardest vote of all. And remember that if you practice badly, it still works.

If you wish, let the beings in the afterlife know what you need and want- they have tremendous power in all ways– especially without having physical bodies and personalities to deal with.

John is available in his infinite presence, and eager to be asked. 

Let me know if you’re drawn, or have experiences with this sort of energy, I’ll love to hear. 

And of course, vote!




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  1. Katie

    I printed this out and I’m talking to John. Asking for help, because I really, truly need some now. Thank you.

    • Susan

      Hi Katie,

      have you had any guidance from John yet? Curious 🙂

  2. ~K

    Many THANKS!

  3. CH

    Dear Susan, Thank you very much for sharing this, I breathed in every word. I have lost several closest family members over the last 25 years and I -by now- do know that they are present in their infinite souls, I have been in contact with them. However, as you say, this belief and the belief/knowledge that we do live several lives is not so common and not so easy to share with others. I do think about them and ask for support, however I sometimes struggle to recognize “concrete” feedback, it is so much about trusting my own perceptions/intuition and letting go of objectively “provable” stuff. Your post (I just read it now) inspires me to dive into this route more deeply again and to try to not be afraid of any answers/feedback/signs or rather fearing there might not be any. How lovely that you and John offer his personal guidance – I find that very touching. Mrs. Ginsberg is also a wonderful idea. I´ll let you know if I hear anything 🙂 Love, C


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