The other day I was in a really bad mood.
I’d gotten some challenging news, I’d tripped on something, I’d realized that a long standing puzzle that I thought had been solved actually wasn’t, and I felt quite hopeless.
So I went for a miracle walk.
I started going on miracle walks many years ago when I lived outside of the money system on barter and trade. I’d walk out with my palms up and say,
“Miracle, find me now.”
And then I would walk until I saw or experienced a miracle.
On this day, I walked around the corner and saw these polka dotted people on a bench, and just stopped in astonishment at the miracle of their attire. Of course I thanked them voluminously for appearing before me.
Seeing them reminded me that even though it felt like nothing was working, miracles were.
And it wasn’t their polka dots that changed me, it was my mood and attitude that got adjusted because of seeing them.
Sometimes I add words or descriptions to my miracle walking, saying things like;
“Miracle mood find me now,”
“Miracle person find me now,”
“Miracle money find me now.”
I practice tuning my vision to see miracles tiny or large, everywhere I go. Sometimes they’re not as obvious as polka dotted people 😉 but they’re always there.
I believe that miracles love to be asked for, and multiply when we do. And, you can ask badly and it still works.
Wishing you many more miracles and the willingness to see and experience them.
p.s. I experienced the miracle of being interviewed by the illuminated Lee Harris. He is a miracle awakener in this world and you can listen right HERE.
We talk about creative dreams made REAL, loss and love, and how we are ALL artists and creatives.
I was living my best life, about to realize a 40 year old professional goal. Thanked God for my blessings of a devoted spouse for 34 years, two loving and successful adult children, and meaningful career success. Then my life collapsed. Severe spousal betrayal. A child’s severe addiction. I’ve been living in hell for two years. Recovering S L O W L Y but I’ve lost my joy. Seems as hard to find as self-esteem and interest in, and connection to, life. I was filled up with love and joy but now I’m empty. Pain is relentless. Former life is as dead as holy matrimony. Yes, I’ve allowed myself to grieve. Struggling to find a starting point for a new me. Can’t find even a micro move. Then I randomly thought of my Sark books from many years ago. Found them, dusted them, began rereading. Bought three more books this afternoon. Feels like you have extended your hand through Dante’s Inferno, reaching down to help me climb up. Thank you. I’ll try.