When I was 6 years old, I came home and said to my Mom: “Mom, show and tell should be me every day!”
She gently told me that the other kids needed a chance, and I said:
“They don’t want to- and they’re begging me to do it!”
My first-grade teacher set up a system where I went to a different grade each day to do my show and tell. I loved it, and it was a big part of my creative dream to share what I was finding each day. I didn’t know it was a “creative dream” in first grade, but I knew what I loved doing and what brought me joy.
We all know this.
We become conditioned to make a living instead of making a creative dream life. We can do both, if our creative dream isn’t yet or ever meant to create enough money to live on.
When I was 10 years old, I told my Mother:
“I’m supposed to be a beacon of hope and write books for the world.”
She told me to eat my peanut butter sandwich, and I wrote my first book that summer, and then wasn’t published for 25 more years.
In between, from ages 14 to 26, I had hundreds of jobs after my Grandfather told me: “Do everything you can think of doing so you know what you don’t want to do for the rest of your life.”
I found out a lot about humility and service and what I didn’t want to do through doing all of those jobs. I also found out a lot about what I loved doing and what brought me joy.
When I was 26, I started trying to live as the artist and writer that I knew I was, and couldn’t figure out how to make a living, so I opted out of the money system and lived on barter and trade for 10 years. I also discovered that creative dreams don’t die. They are very resilient and will wait forever.
Even though I attended college for 4 years, I decided that a degree was meaningless and quit before receiving one. I told people that I went to “collage,” because I was collaging my creative dream life together.
When I was 35, I published my first book; A Creative Companion, and started my business; Camp SARK. I created the books and products I had dreamed about all of my life, and a business to support the structure. Many books and hundreds of products later, through all my business successes and mistakes, I find myself at 56, as eager and excited about my creative dreams as I was when I began- perhaps more excited.
One of my many mentors was Maya Angelou, and I appeared on a national TV show with her.
The show consisted of talking about how my creative dreams had been supported by Maya Angelou, and audience members whose creative dreams were being supported by SARK. It really showed me the value of talking about our creative dreams, sharing the processes, what worked and didn’t, what wisdom we gather along the way with each other. This energy MOVES MOUNTAINS.
I created a book called Make Your Creative Dreams REAL, and a card game to play about this book. I’ve witnessed countless businesses and great ideas become real from people working with these materials.
In April 2010, I launched my first comprehensive online and on the phone course called Dream Boogie: Dancing from Dreaming to DOing.
We gather in Dream Boogie for 8 fun and focused weeks, to discover and accelerate our creative dreams, and gain support from our creative community.
Some people launch businesses, others create systems for self-love and care, all experience growth of more money, love, time or revelations. We all do our transformational work. I offer “intuitive flashes” which are my quick intuitive answers to any creative dream questions.
I’ve long been an intuitive, I just haven’t named it as such. The questions and answers are profound. There’s a live weekly class, and a reframe of homework, called “ownwork.” Each week, there’s a “Boogie Book” to work from, and everyone receives copies of everything at the end of the course. There are also videos by me, and audio interviews with other “Dream DOers.” There’s a colorfull website to interact with everyone on, and a voluntary program of “Boogie Buddies.” People can participate as much, or as little as they wish. Both styles will create growth and results.
I am thrilled to offer our third Dream Boogie session and witness all of the transformations, revelations and incandescent learning that takes place. Our creative dreams FLOURISH with this kind of attention and care, and the world will turn eagerly towards every creative dream in process, and help it to grow and GLOW for all to see. I invite you to experience it and the successes that will result.